Tag Archives: Obama

Labor Day in the life of a Zee

Ever ask a zee how they feel about holidays?  Just what goes through the mind of an average person versus the franchisee owner when “holiday” is discussed?  Ever wonder how a zor spends their holiday? In the Americas, the word is “vacation”.  Every paid worker spends their year planning and imagining the relief those two or three weeks truly bring to the family and one’s own inner balance of family vs work vs quality of life.  In Europe, it’s holiday and it’s twice as long as the Americas because most Euro holiday packages are four to six weeks.  The European has come to expect holiday and due to the lack of opportunity, in some respects holiday is one’s privilege.

In the thinking of the blue collar or the white collar or the Euro or anyone else who has never truly owned and run a business, let alone a franchised business, there is no reference or association as to what a holiday brings to a zee.  Their impression is that a small business owner who owns a high-profile franchise operation must already be rich.  They do not know that the life savings and the mountain of debt needed to serve them their 15 second servings of fast food heart attack will never allow me to enjoy another holiday.  The reference of outlay at the onset of such purchase of franchises is referred to “sunk costs”.  Oh how bloody true is that depiction!

Here are just a few interesting problems of the zee during holiday:

  • Workers are off, zee gets to stay and keep the doors open (bills don’t do holidays)
  • Workers are off, doors have to stay open, otherwise the revenue of the holiday revelers will be lost
  • If it’s a day in which stores are closed due to law, I’ll stay and catch up on books and admin as the workers aren’t in
  • If it’s a party day where retail is open, I get to stay and help the skeleton shift (who bitch and moan that they have to work)
  • Leading up to the holiday, everyone leaves early, meaning I get to stick around to make sure everything is set because I own this mess
  • And finally, the schedules are all mine to own and fix and work with due to the fact that no one owns anything but me (the R word means nothing to the hourly worker)

And last but not least, I can visualize and imagine the wonderful times the zor is having attending special events as grand marshall (the honor and respect he purchased with my life savings and ongoing royalty abuses).  After all, his ad fund, his marketing fund, his kickbacks from vendors and his admin, his legal support are all coming from the money I gave, will give him and am generating while working over this glorious holiday!



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Franchising’s Abuses Began with Henry Ford

I’m a little taken aback as to why everyone is so surprised (including the dealerships of Chrysler and GM) as to the path that the government took and the abominations of approving GM’s bankruptcy.  Politics rule and the guy with the most commodity hooks wins.  When Henry Ford started selling Model Ts to the world, he made every dealership pay for the cars up front.  Wheels for the World by Douglas Brinkley exposes the serious ugly sides of Ford, Sloan and others who set this model in place.  Each dealership was required to scrape up the money and pay Ford up front for the cars before they were ever assembled.  The Dodge brothers actually sold Ford the majority of the parts to assemble Model Ts for the first several years.  When Henry went to manufacturing everything, the Dodges’ built their own brand and were later snatched up by Chrysler.  There was no financing and no credit for either Ford or for the dealerships or for the buyers of the vehicles.  All purchases were cash on the barrel head.  When Henry needed more design money or development money, he found ways to pass this onto the dealerships in creative ways.  What could they do?  They had no recourse due to the fact that Henry was the only one making affordable cars.  When Alfred Sloan saw how gullible the dealerships were, he followed suit and thus you have the predatory and abusive model of the franchisor in its genuine origin (Singer is credited with the original idea of franchising).  His claim to fame was the origination of financing (GMAC) so the common man could afford his overpriced vehicles (Model Ts were $750 at their highest and $275 at their peak, while GMs were usually 2K or higher) and pay even more for them (interest plus principal).  Do you realize that the banking and Wall Street relationships were started then and have resided among these families and elite circles for all these years?  (And Obama isn’t going to upse that apple cart without the risk of losing his $60,000 dates to Broadway and his $300,000 photo-ops over NYC.)

Now that GM has found a way to use a company owned dealership (took it over from a franchisee after they failed – hmmmmm) in Harlem to accelerate its bankruptcy proceedings (NY is known as the swiftest), it allows them to simply thumb their noses at dealerships in the name of saving General Motors.  Can anyone explain why we want to save such a poorly run obese corporation which makes supremely inferior products with the lowest resale value since the Yugo?  And is there any reason we should feel sorry for a company that has gouged the masses for a hundred years?

Franchisees, you haven’t a chance in hell of survival when a franchisor can make every business decision, arbitrarily charge you royalties and put those monies in its pocket without having to answer for them and then use them to defend itself in the courts when you are disadvantaged or claim abuse.  When will you wake up and understand that franchising is just a license to use your money to build their kingdom?  Get the hell out, run your own business, make your own decisions and watch your profits go up.  We need to go back to used cars and Japanese cars that don’t fall apart in two years.



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Who Pays for TV and Radio Advertising?

Turn your television on and for a single hour, jot down the commercials you see on any of the major broadcast or cable channels (ABC, NBC, CBS, ESPN, CNN, etc.).  On major channels, there are three main categories of advertisers.  (Check the bottom of this post to find out what those three are.)

Though it cannot be proven, franchising advocates continuously quote that 40 to 50% of all retail is franchised.  (The data is owned by too many people and influenced heavily by pro-franchisor predatory bigots.) When you analyze the data of your one hour’s worth of major network advertising, it will become apparent just what the three verticals are that spend the lion’s share of advertising dollars with Madison Avenue agencies.

But that’s not the question or the purpose of this post.  The question is: Where is the money coming from?  First of all, some history.  McDonald’s ignored all conventional wisdom over three decades ago when they surpassed the 100 million dollar mark in advertising spend in a single year.  Most could not fathom the thought of such.  How did they justify it?  Simple, it wasn’t their money!  It is the money of hard working franchisees who pay exorbitant royalties to franchisors who spend it freely and with reckless abandon.  McDonald’s practices are truthfully depicted in in Fast Food Nation, author Eric Schlosser.  They pioneered the principle of going after your children, the pester power method.  But that again, is not the issue.  The real issue is that many franchises are B2B and not B2C.  Nearly all of the franchises that are offered at low entry fee are B2B.  These predatory franchisors have no intention of doing anything with the hard-earned  money they collect for advertising from your profits.  When asked the question of where that money is spent, or better yet when reading an FDD or UFOC, it is up to the sole discretion of the franchisor whether or not those funds are even earmarked for advertising.  Read an FDD and if you can even find the subject covered, you will see that the money can be used for advertising or any other thing the franchisor chooses.  Many simply use if to fund their playboy lifestyles.

So the next time you see David Brandon bragging that he’s giving money back to Main Street, don’t believe it.  He’s spending the money of the franchisees as though it is his.  When you watch a Subway commercial, remember that Fred DeLuca is the slimiest franchisor in the world, fighting more lawsuits than McDonald’s, Dunkin Donuts and Pizza Hut combined.  Fred gladly sells single franchises to unsuspecting immigrants (all they need is a pocket full of cash) when he couldn’t make it until he owned three!!!  When you see a Quiznos (seedy and poorly thought-out million sub giveaway campaign), know that Rick Schaden and his staff of flunkies approved the campaign and then fired the VP of Marketing (who came from telecommunications – how ignorant and cheap is Schaden for even hiring her) as a scapegoat.  (It’s only a matter of time until Quiznos loses the pricing game, thus driving all of their franchisees out of business.  Freddy D. has 6 or 7 times the number of franchisees, thus a war chest of over 400 million dollars a year at his disposal (pun intended).  Ricky hasn’t a chance of winning a price war.

So the next time you watch a Nascar race (if you can stand the fact they never learned to turn right;), count the number of advertisers who sponsor a car and then see how many are franchises.  Then realize that Ricky and Freddy and Davey are all spending 4 to 5 MILLION per car to put their brand on the hood of a race car!  That’s right, the hard-earned money of your relatives or friends or immigrants (who are unaware because they’re probably working 7 days a week just to make ends meet) is being spent so Ricky and Freddy and Davey can sit in the infield or in VIP boxes,  get special privileges at the expense of those who labor just to scrape by.

The three vertical leaders in advertising are auto, beverage and food.  (Yes, they are all franchised; GM not for long – they are soon to be owned by you and your Commander-in-Chief, who by the way, operates just like a franchisor.  He spends your money and you have absolutely not one damn iota of say in any of those decisions!)


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Nardelli finds out – Obama Is NOT Your “Sugar Daddy”

So Chrysler’s list is now public and people are scrambling to find out if they’re a victim or a temporary survivor.

One more interesting advantage to franchising – you can simply publish a franchisee’s name (at the bequest of the Commader in Chief) and tell him and all their employees that their livelihood will now end!  Thank you Barack.  What else are you going to do?  Maybe next you can close hospitals and simply tell the sick and their relatives that they can “check out”?

“Have a nice life mechanics, salespeople, administrative staff, finance professionals.  It’s not my fault, you did it all to yourselves.  You staked your livelihood on the most powerful industry in the country, worked your butts off and now you’re screwed! But hey, I can do $335,000 photo-op shoots of Airforce One and laugh at off color jokes about Rush” — Barack Obama

The list is here, enough said!


Chrysler Dealership Hit List


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What Can One Man Do?

Is anyone else tired of the spineless comments yet?  Comments won’t get it done. The brokers, franchisor-friendly lawyers and franchisors are quite happy with the status quo.  They have rarely come up against a threat they couldn’t stifle, muffle, silence or destroy.  Why is that?  Why haven’t we, the pitiful franchisee figured out how to get the franchisor the eff out of our lives? It’s not technology or the times, people.  The minutemen figured it out and they didn’t have cars, 401Ks or great academic degrees.  It’s not smarts people, it’s balls and a backbone!

Franchisees, we have no one to blame but ourselves.  We condemn the pigs of franchising and big box retailing, and we shop at Wal-Mart, Home Depot and McDonald’s.  We want the freedom without the cost!  We bitch and moan about the economy, yet we contribute to the tyranny.  Has anyone figured out that the freakin’ American Dream is a hoax?  The Declaration of Independence states:

“that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…” 

And oh how pissed we are when the franchisor can weasel out of every claim he made when he puts a contract in front of you that takes everything right mentioned above in the Declaration away from us!  And then we go to a generalist lawyer who knows nothing about franchising?  And then we give up when he fails, takes more of our money?

These are not conventional times.  Conventional means don’t work.  They haven’t for decades.  What makes you think they will today? People, if your faith is in the American Dream, Bernie Madoff, Mr. Stanford or President Obama, move on and surf somewhere else?  You don’t have balls or a backbone!  But for those of you who do, let’s get on with it!  Start by refusing to give these bastards any more of our money.  Stop fueling the big box boys and giving money to the franchise system.  Renegotiate your contracts and refuse to pay until your rights are restored! Start putting your franchisor on the hot seat and holding him accountable!  Isn’t it time you got something for your money, your sunk costs, your sweat?

Here are some numbers from the top 100 franchises of Entrepreneur Magazine – 2008 – you might want to consider:

  • 215,768 US Franchise owners
  • 11,102 Canadian Franchise owners
  • 120,108 Foreign Franchise owners
  • 346,978 Franchise owners in total

Average Franchisor has less than 10 executives and less than 100 employees – are you getting it people?

Franchisee Owners (just owners) – 346,978  v  Franchisors 10,000 total employees

The numbers are 29:1 in favor of the FRANCHISEE – Stand up and be counted!!!!!!!!!  It’s our money they’re taking, it’s our money they’re using to live their playboy lives, take bonuses to buy their fancy cars and yachts and mansions.  It’s our money they use to promote the brand and then tell you to get lost when they decide they want to go a different direction!  Check out the latest Domino’s commercial if you doubt me….every time you buy a domino’s special, you take money out of your neighbor’s pocket, your kid’s school budget and eseentially you rob your neighbor of a fair wage!


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